“Diving Into the Wreck,” Elaine Neil Orr’s Essay on David Payne’s Outer Banks Novels
North Carolina Literary Review, Spring 2024, pp. 50-67
David Payne on CBC Radio Podcast, “Ideas”
Could group therapy help cure the mental health crisis?
‘You see people’s humanity emerge in group work,’ says psychiatrist Molyn Leszcz

The Victim, Detective, Criminal All At Once: Interview With David Payne
Keynote Speaker, “Celebration of Courage” Luncheon, NAMI, 5/3/18, 12-1 PM, PNC Arena Club Room, Raleigh
David Payne will deliver the keynote address at the Wake County National Alliance on Mental Illness “Celebration of Courage” luncheon on 5/3/18. The event will be from 12-1 PM in the Club Room of the PNC Arena.
“I had to have that book… I didn’t stop for food. I didn’t stop to pee.” Natalie Baszile, The Millions
“Last March, Rose interviewed author David Payne, whose new memoir, Barefoot to Avalon, had just been released…The next morning, I headed to my local bookstore to see if they had any copies. No luck, the clerk said. They’d sold out…. I had to have that book. So, I downloaded the audio version and listened for the entire six-hour drive to Los Angeles the next day and for the entire six-hour drive back. I didn’t stop food. I didn’t stop to pee. I just stared through the windshield and gripped the steering wheel, carried along the twisting path of Payne’s wrenching narrative ..By the time I got back to San Francisco, my dashboard light was blinking. I had less than a mile’s worth of gas left in my tank. When my hard cover arrived, I sat down with a cup of tea and started at page one. I already knew the story, but now I needed to absorb it. That’s how good this book is.” –Natalie Baszile
People Magazine, New in Paperback
“The acclaimed novelist’s powerful memoir about a troubled brother, dead at 42, is a deep examination of many sorrows–his family’s, his own.”
David Payne on “Bookwatch”
Host D.G. Martin interviews David Payne about Barefoot to Avalon on UNC-TV. Watch the show.
BAREFOOT TO AVALON: “… instructive, healing and redemptive…”
Barefoot to Avalon shortlisted for 2016 Pat Conroy Book Prize
History and Life Stories Category